Today is March 12, 2025 /

Tiyul to Shul


Tiyul to Shul was designed to utilize the community-building aspect of Shabbat while simultaneously taking into account the reality that suburban life depends on automobile travel. By encouraging some element of walking in the company of others to synagogue (the Hebrew word tiyul is used here to denote walking with a purposeful goal), we believe that the simple act of strolling and chatting with fellow shul-goers fosters a greater sense of connection with the community. Individuals who live within a 1-2 mile radius of the synagogue often opt to walk at their own leisure, often with fellow synagogue-goers from the same neighborhood. Individuals who live at greater distances arrive at the “Park and Walk” areas at their own leisure, and walk to the synagogue from there on their own or together with fellow worshippers by mutual arrangement.

Below you can find meeting times and locations for different groups.

Adults – 8:45 AM
Meet Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner at the corner of Starshire Cove and Haley Rd. for an early morning walk to Shul.
9:00 AM 
Shabbat services begin in the Sanctuary. 
Middle and High School – 9:15 AM
6th – 12th grade students and their families meet up at Crown Point Elementary to walk together to Shul with
Michelle Penson and Moreh David.
9:45 AM 
Torah service begins in the Sanctuary. 
Elementary (K-5) – 10:00 AM
 K – 5th grade students and their families meet up at Crown Point Elementary School to walk together to Shul with
Morah Liat. 
Preschool – 10:00 AM
Preschool students and their families meet up at
Crown Point Elementary School to walk together to Shul with Morah Rachel and Morah Miriam. 
Youth meeting locations and programming info to come soon.