Today is March 12, 2025 /

Sale of Hametz

The Torah tells us that during Passover, “No leaven shall be found in your houses for seven days” (Exodus 12:19). The rabbis understood this to mean that one could not own any hametz during the holiday. To prevent the financial hardship that would result from discarding all of one’s leaven on an annual basis, the rabbis developed a legal mechanism whereby an individual could sell his/her leaven to a non-Jew for the duration of the holiday.

PLEASE REMEMBER that even if you plan to be away from home for the entire holiday, you must still sell all the hametz you own. Similarly, should you own other property, or store leaven products in your office, you must sell the hametz stored in those locations as well.

While there is no charge for the selling of leaven, it is customary to include a charitable contribution with the “Sale of Leaven” form. You can sell your leaven and make your donation online HERE, or download a PDF of the form HERE and return it to the Jacksonville Jewish Center Clergy office with your tzedakah donation to be received in our office (not determined by postmark) no later than Friday, April 19, 2024. Since Jewish Law requires hametz to be sold no later than the morning of Passover Eve, the deadline is a firm one of necessity.

Sale of Leaven online-donation requests and checks sent to the Jacksonville Jewish Center for Sale of Leaven will be directed to Rabbi Lubliner’s Discretionary Fund with a note that it is for the Sale of Leaven. Rabbi Lubliner will give these donations to the charity on your behalf.

Alternatively, you may send your checks/make online donations directly to the following causes: the JFCS Food Pantry, and/or MAZON – A Jewish Response to Hunger.