Today is March 12, 2025 /


For more information about Center membership,
contact Michelle Penson at

Click here to login to ShulCloud to register
This link will take you to the Jacksonville Jewish Center ShulCloud website. 
Under your account, you will find a button to “start school enrollment”

Gan (Kindergarten)
Kitah Gan serves as a warm and inviting introduction to Jewish education through experiential learning of Jewish holidays, Torah, prayers, art, and songs. Students begin to develop familiarity and comfort with Hebrew letters, words, and language.

Sundays 9:00 am-12:00 pm                   $650 Tuition*

Aleph (1st Grade)
Kitah Aleph continues to nurture our younger students with a combination of hands-on and formal classroom experiences, with an increased concentration in Hebrew reading, prayer, and language skills. Students take part in a Haggigat HaSiddur program (Consecration) with Kitah Alef students from the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School.

Sundays 9:00 am-12:00 pm                 $650 Tuition*

Bet (2nd Grade); Gimmel (3rd Grade); Dalet (4th Grade);  Hay (5th Grade) and Vav (6th Grade)
Kitah Bet through Kitah Vav will continue with Hebrew skills, developing fluency, and basic vocabulary. Prayer study plays a central role in the curriculum; students will explore the daily and Shabbat prayer services as well as the blessings of everyday Jewish life. All grades study and experience the holidays, learn Torah and delve into Jewish values, mitzvot, and history, in a spiral curriculum that continually builds upon and deepens knowledge obtained in previous years.

Sundays 9:00 am – 12:00 pm  AND Wednesdays 4:30 – 6:30 pm                                $1,350 Tuition*

Zayin (7th grade)
Kitah Zayin expands on students’ prior knowledge and experiences while promoting new learning. It empowers them to articulate positive Jewish identities with pride while adding breadth and depth to their understanding and observance of Judaism. In addition to the exploration of Jewish history and identity through Holocaust and Israel studies, students work towards mastery of the daily and Shabbat prayer services for B’nai Mitzvah and beyond. 

Sundays 9:00 am – 12:00 pm  AND Wednesdays 4:30 – 6:30 pm                                $1,350 Tuition*

*Additional Information:

Religious School PTA Dues: PTA dues of $18 per family will be added to your bill prior to the start of the school year or upon registration (if after the first day of school).

B’nai Mitzvah Fees: These fees are assessed separately prior to B’nai Mitzvah tutoring beginning in 6th grade and will need to be paid in full before the B’nai Mitzvah date.

Tuition Assistance: The Jacksonville Jewish Center has an ongoing policy of providing financial aid based upon need and family circumstances. A special committee makes decisions regarding financial aid and all records are kept strictly confidential. Aid is awarded on an individual basis following the Committee’s review of an application. Request for tuition assistance is available upon request through registration. A new form must be submitted and approved for each year aid is requested.

Click here to login to ShulCloud to register
This link will take you to the Jacksonville Jewish Center ShulCloud website. 
Under your account, you will find a button to “start school enrollment”