Today is February 22, 2025 /


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Sale of Hametz

The sale of hametz will take place on Monday, April 22, 2024.

Please complete the Sale of Hametz form online

or print out &  sign the printable form (EITHER bring it to the office or mail it with your donation to the Center).

Passover Schedule

Click here to view the live stream of Passover/Shabbat Services or on YouTube

Sunday, April 21 – B’dikat Hametz
7:10 AM: Shaharit
6:30 PM: Minhah/Ma’ariv
8:24 PM: Search for leaven anytime after this time

To download the B’dikat Hametz prayers, click here

Saturday, April 27 – Shabbat / Hol HaMoed Passover

9:00 AM: Morning Services followed by Kiddush sponsored by the Bud Shorstein Kiddush Fund
10:30 AM: Passover Family Program
11:00 AM: Gan Shabbat: Pesah Edition
7:00 PM: Minhah, Seudah Shlishith, Ma’ariv
8:40 PM: Havdalah
Monday, April 22 – Erev Passover /
Fast of the First Born / 1st Seder
5:36 AM (Ta’anit Bekhorot):Fast of the First Born Begins
7:00 AM Sha
harit followed by a Siyyum concluding tractate Semahot and a light, celebratory breakfast.

11:13 AM: No eating of leaven after this time
12:19 PM: Biur Hametz (Burning of Leaven)
6:30 PM: Minhah/Ma’ariv
7:40 PM: Candle Lighting

Sunday, April 28 – Sixth Day of Passover /Erev Yom Tov

8:30 AM: Shaharit
6:30 PM: Minhah/Ma’ariv
7:00 PM JTLI/USY/Kadima Passover Pizza
7:44 PM: Candle Lighting

Tuesday, April 23 – First Day of Passover / 2nd Seder
9:00 AM: Festival Morning Services followed by Kiddush sponsored by the Bud Shorstein Kiddush Fund
10:30 AM: Mini/Mighty Minyan – Pesah Style! 
11:00 AM: Gan Shabbat: Pesah Edition 
6:00 PM: Family Seder
7:30 PM: Minhah/Ma’ariv
8:00 PM: Congregational Seder                 
8:37 PM: Candle Lighting

Monday, April 29 – Seventh Day of Passover 
9:00 AM: Festival Morning Services followed by Kiddush sponsored by the Bud Shorstein Kiddush Fund featuring Make-Your-Own-Matzah-Pizza with Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner
10:30 AM: Mini/Mighty Minyan – Pesah Style!
11:00 AM: Gan Shabbat: Pesah Edition
7:30 PM: Minhah followed by study session and Ma’ariv
8:41 PM: Candle Lighting

Wednesday, April 24 – Second Day of Passover / Shabbat
9:00 AM: Festival Morning Services followed by Kiddush sponsored by the Bud Shorstein Kiddush Fund
10:30 AM: Mini/Mighty Minyan – Pesah Style!
11:00 AM: Gan Shabbat: Pesah Edition
7:30 PM: Minhah followed by study session and Ma’ariv
8:37 PM: Yom Tov Ends

Tuesday, April 30- Eighth Day of Passover 
9:00 AM: Festival Morning Services with Yizkor followed by Kiddush co-sponsored by the Bud Shorstein Kiddush Fund 
10:30 AM: Mini/Mighty Minyan – Pesah Style!
11:00 AM: Gan Shabbat: Pesah Edition
7:30 PM: Minhah followed by study session and Ma’ariv
8:42 PM: Havdalah/Yom Tov ends
9:42 PM: Leaven may be purchased/eaten after this time

 Friday, April 26 – Erev Shabbat/ Hol HaMoed Passover

7:10 AM: Shaharit
6:00 PM: Evening Services
7:43 PM: Candle Lighting