Thursday, May 25th: Erev Shavu’ot
6:00 PM: Shavu’ot Dinner (by reservation only) 6:45 PM: Teen/Family/Adult Drawing Program 8:00 PM: Minhah and Festival Ma’ariv 8:30 PM – 10:00 PM: Tikkun Leil Shavu’ot Program (please refer to full program information for details) 8:45 PM – 10:00 PM: Continue our evening of Shavu’ot learning with Center Clergy at the homes of Alan & Mauri Mizrahi and Abe & Shirley Bielski. |
Friday, May 26th: Shavu’ot Day One
9:00 AM – Festival Morning Service Followed by Kiddush and Ice Cream – Honoring the Graduates of our Foundations of Judaism Course Shavu’ot Preschool Programs in the Sophie & Joe Witten Chapel (In place of Gan Shavu’ot): 9:15 AM (Kofim/Doobonim – 2 & Under) 10 AM (Parparim – 3/4) 10:30 AM (Tzeeporim – 4/5) 11:00 AM – K-3 Shavuo’t Youth Program 10:45 AM – 4-8 Shavu’ot Youth Program 6:30 PM – Shabbat/Shavu’ot Evening Services (No Kabbalat Shabbat) 8:01 PM – Candle Lighting
Saturday, May 27th: Shabbat/Shavu’ot Day Two
9:00 AM – Shabbat/Festival Morning Service with Siyyum Confirmation and Yizkor Followed
by Kiddush and Cheesecake – Honoring our Confirmands
10:30 AM – Shavu’ot Youth Program (K+) (Witten Chapel)
Post b’nai mitzvah teens are needed to lead small groups of younger friends in a Shavu’ot-themed escape room experience
11:00 AM – Gan Shavu’ot (Bessie Setzer Frisch Activities Center)
7:15 PM – Minhah/Seudah Shlisheet/Ma’ariv/Havdalah
9:01 PM – Havdalah/Yom Tov Ends