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Hebrew Reading Class
Shalom! Hebrew is one of the miracles of the Jewish people. It is an ancient language mixing clarity and mystery simultaneously, where each letter is precious. Just the feel of Hebrew in your mouth is a delicious taste enhancing your spiritual life.
Don’t know alef from bet? Sign up for this beginner’s class in reading Hebrew.
Before the end of the term, you will have Hebrew reading skills that will light up your Jewish experience, especially in your time in synagogue. The class is designed to build Hebrew skills for liturgical text, so you’ll be on your way to davening in Hebrew. This online class is starting August so that you will be enjoying as more meaningful Rosh Hashanah.
Lois Tomkins will be teaching the class. She is an experienced and beloved educator and tutor at the Center who is deeply committed to spreading the beauty & meaning of Hebrew.
Classes to begin in mid-August
Emphasis on reading the siddur
Increase comfort level at services and brings meaning to the text
Create added enjoyment and meaning in being able to pray in Hebrew
Taught and hand-curated text selected by Lois Tompkins
Approximately 15- one hour online sessions
Limited to 20 students (age 14+)
This class is a pre-requisite for the Adult B’nai Mitzvah program.